the Documentary
Filmed in 4K
60 minutes documentary film
Production September 2020 to May 2021
Filmed and edited by Mas Tassini Studio*
Thematics: popular inquiry, responsible consumption and production, sustainability, nature awareness, decent work and growth, circular economy, well-being, industry, innovation and infrastructure.
Avant-premiere June 2nd 2021, Teatrino di Palazzo Grassi, Venice
Many thanks to the entier SUMUS team.
© Marco Tassini
— Leonardo Furlan - the face of Beacon of Light, City of Future
“Venice, capital of the humanist renaissance in harmony with the Vivant”
Hélène Molinari

The emergence of a new consciousness
For an environmentally sustainable, socially equitable and economically viable society , SUMus embraces Gandhi's motto: "Be the change you wish to see in the world".
SUMus will promote the emergence of a Human consciousness enlightened by knowledge for a respectful and sustainable future.
SUMus wished to challenge the Venetians on their future; offering them a platform to start writing a possible future in which they can become actors of their own destiny.
The founding SUMus film, Venezia, il faro del mondo and the portraits surrounding it, will be screened during the summer on the Venetian campi (squares), on church facades, during la Mostra, in art galleries and even among citizens.... in a spirit of conviviality and sharing... promoting the new SUMus community in the hope that a future Venetian Sumus will emerge with involved and motivated participants ready to become actors of a better world.
— SUMus.comunity
“We can do it, if I is us and we, all together, are: SUMUS.”
Giovanni Leone

Chapter 1 - Lagoon
“At the beginning of all humanity is water”
Local food self-sufficiency at 0 km, with the enhancement of typical food products, water, and land of the lagoon archipelago and the neighbouring mainland.
Alessio Bognolo
fisherman, la Giudecca island
Jane Da Mosto
executive director We Are Here Venice
Raffaele Scarpa
co-owner Oniga restaurant, Dorso Duro neighbourhood
Michel Thoulouze
Orto winery owner, San Erasmo island
Michele Savorgnano
gardner, la Giudecca island
— texts from SUMus.comunity
Portraits Pleiad
these unedited interviews are the very heart of the SUMus.community,
a constellation of ideas and realities.
They are to be presented in details or in their integrity as a video installation supporting the documentary.
about the authors

The idea of the interviews and the movie producer, the prologue & epilogue were created by Hélène MOLINARI,
with an engineering degree, she joined Axa Group and participated in Axa Asset Managers for subsidiary assets creation. She took over the marketing and e-business direction, then joined the Management Committee as global brand and communication director. She joined Laurence Parisot at MEDEF as deputy managing director, member of the Executive Council.
In 2013, she joined several boards of directors as Group AMundi, the most important asset management firm in Europe where she is the nomination committee president; and Group Lagardere.
Helene was also member of the ESG committee and did a study about the millennials’ expectations. Founding member of Asia Now, an Asian contemporary Art fair, she is also involved in numerous associations like, Our Neighbourhoods have talents, Entrepreneurship to learn and Everyone sings against cancer.
In May 2020, she founded SUMus and became its president.
— SUMus.comunity president